Creates threads and executes command on each. The number
of threads is determined by threadgen . If
threadgen is an integer, then the specified number of
threads is created, and each thread has an integer label, from 0 through
threadgen - 1. If threadgen is a sequence, then
for each element in the sequence, a thread is created, labelled with that
element. If threadgen is a function, then it is evaluated,
and is expected to yield an integer or sequence, which is then handled as
already described. If threadgen is a cluster specification,
then the command is executed on each specified host; the thread label
identifies the host, (whose type is osh.cluster.Host ). If
merge_key is specified, then the inputs of each thread are
expected to be ordered by the merge_key . The sequences from
the threads are then merged into a single sequence using the
merge_key .